I have much to be thankful for, and I am. I attempt each day to thank God for His rich blessings to me and my family, my country, my world. I like to call my attitude thanksliving. I find it ironic that many will not give thanks today. They will call this set-aside day Turkey Day. They will just overindulge in a feast without thanking the One who provided it. They will not even give a cursory bow to our…..
Times are tough; I know that’s what we’re thinking sometimes. Financially, we struggle. With compassion, we see our children wrestle with making difficult choices because they lack funds. Budgets are strained; debt burdens us; a restless dread wrestles with us when the house does not sell or the car makes a new strange noise, or bills sit unpaid.
Yet, God says He will provide. And He does! He gives us hope. He gives us health. He gives us a beautiful…..
Pivotal events in our lives demand total recall–where we were, what we saw, who was with us, how our hearts jumped to our throats so we could hardly speak, how our brains interpreted the events, and how we reacted to them. November 22, 1963, the Challenger disaster, 9/11. They so engrain themselves into our personal psyches that they need no anniversarial reminders. They’re just part of us.
I was not particularly impressed with JFK’s presidency; all show and little substance,…..
There are few possible blessings to top this one! Our sweet granddaughter was born at 1:32 on early Saturday morning. We are just thrilled to welcome her, to hold her, to pray thanksgiving for her safe arrival, and to rejoice at God’s goodness and mercy.
Now our prayer is that she blesses all she comes into contact with, and that she will commit her life to her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and live a Proverbs 31 life to His…..