Every day is special. We celebrate the birthday of our sweet daughter-in-love, Mary Jackson and the first year remembrance of my awesome brother L.J. Whitaker’s last day of this life this date last year. Fitting that my verse for today is Ecclesiastes 3: 1-4: “There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest. A time to cry and a…..
This reminder from scripture is so true as we are accosted by news stories of terrorist events, persecution of Christians, murder and mayhem, and wars and invasions and a world filled with evidence of the devil’s doings.
“For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realm. Ephesians 6:12.
When Isaiah says it, I listen. When Jeremiah says it, I listen. When Jesus says it, I really listen. When Jesus Calling reminds me, I share it with you. Whenever God reveals who He is, whether through scripture or other writing, or music, or art, or the actions of fellow Christians, I listen. And always, I leaarn more about God’s grace, His protection, His glory, His eternal presence, His forgiveness, His care for His universe, and even for me.
Tonight there will be fireworks. Today there will be family and friend gatherings, usually with cookouts. Today flags will be unfurled and flown. Today there will be parades and speeches. Today there will be tributes to patriots. Today we celebrate our nation’s independence from the tyranny of British rule. Today revisionists rewrite history once more.
While the Declaration of Independence copies say July 4, 1776, the hard-fought battle began earlier with “the shot heard round the world.” The decisions made…..