November 29
The Psalmist writes, “When I consider the heavens, what is man that You are mindful of Him?” Indeed, I could not have expressed it better. To think that the Lord of the Universe has visited me, his child, and has blessed me with life, with strength, with home and family, with work, with Christian friends and mentors, with teachers, with tall hedges of protection, with peace, dignity, and love, I am indeed living in gratefulness to Him.
November 28
For years I kept a gratitude journal. Somewhere along the way, probably in one of our ten moves, lightening the moving van’s load, I abandoned that discipline and those dog-eared pages. However, I remember some of the things for which I was, and continue to be, thankful. Sunshine; friends; family; animals; flowers; color; the seashore; good food; a roof over my head, however humble; paper and pencil; my car; indoor plumbing; apples; peacocks; America; love; speech; political…..
November 27
I am honored to think that my words might influence others. The joy of writing has become almost an addiction to me in my retirement. I have much to say, much until now left unsaid. I have an attitude of gratitude in thinking I might be used to bless someone else’s life, just as mine has been enriched by other writers who have influenced me. In that, I take great pleasure.
Today’s Scripture: “So I say to…..
November 25
It is with an attitude of gratitude that I confess that God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and that although the times seem chaotic, man’s need for God’s guidance and forgiveness does not change because man thinks he controls his own destiny. I am fully convinced He is Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, and He still numbers the hairs on our heads and is cognizant of each sparrow’s fall. Therefore, we live in…..
November 24
Now, to the real attitude of gratitude testimony: To live relatively healthily for 75½ years is an achievement. Longevity is a blessing. Proverbs 20:29 says: “The glory of young men is their strength, gray hair the splendor of the old.” I’ve earned every gray hair and smile line on my face, and am thankful for the measure of health I enjoy.
Overweight, deaf in one ear, losing the use of my left hand to a newly diagnosed case…..
November 23
There are empty chairs around our family Thanksgiving table. We’ve had decades of medical emergencies and dealing with elderly parents. The sandwich generation: balancing the needs of children with aging relatives, of career cross-country moves, deaths of those near and dear, and thoughts of how they had blessed, and stressed, our lives. It is indeed difficult to have an attitude of gratitude when grieving; however, even those times are teachable moments. By walking through these experiences, I have…..
November 22
Much prayer has filled our home; we have faithfully followed Deuteronomy 6:6-9 where it says: “These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”
Does it get easier as the kids get older? Heavens no! I know now, in retrospect, that His hand was…..
To moms, new moms, moms-to-be:
November 21
Personally, I think moms invented the term multi-tasking. It is indeed possible to stir batter, hip-balance a cranky baby, talk on the phone, let the dog out, and carry on a perfectly logical, even engaging, conversation at the same time.
And hopefully, Thanksgiving dinner, that test of culinary prowess, of family gathering, and moments of panic will be less a test of patience than of other days.
We’re wired to accomplish such…..
November 20
And with an attitude of gratitude, God guided me through dating and courtship, helping me develop the character list my future spouse must possess, and then sending me the perfect person to complete me. He is a godly man, and Christ has been the center focus of our relationship from day one. We met in church. We developed our relationship as church ministry opportunities opened for us. He is logical-mathematical, I am verbal-artistic-creative.. We love classical music, and…..
Especially, knowing that millions of women in our world do not have this privilege, I offer my thanksgiving:
November 19
I express my attitude of gratitude that I can read and write, that I can expand my world through vicariously reading about others who have lived life. I can study the Scriptures. What a privilege. I think of girls in the world who are forbidden education. What a pity. Those who never think about the loss of these cannot possibly…..