By Betty Whitaker Jackson
Change of plans. Late night. Not unusual. Days are just not long enough. Phil feels trapped in his busy career as an architect. Some think Phil Baxter leads a charmed life. Blessed, even. Maybe so.
John Stewart Robbins calls him at 4:30 inviting him to buzz by his office at 5:30. When J.S. calls, Phil listens. Priority, second only to Cathy and the kids, of course.
Drop the project blueprints. Roll…..
Announcing Splendid Springtime at Whispering Woods, my newest Christian fiction novel, now available from my website and on This is the third book in the Whispering Woods series, and is filled with romance, the newness of spring, encounters with new guests at the Whispering Woods Estates resort/retreat center, and delightful experiences with the Baxter family.
In this third book of the Whispering Woods series by Betty Whitaker Jackson, we continue the story of the New England resort/retreat center established by the…..
My Psalm 185
To You, O Lord, Who gave me eyes to see,
I thank You and bless Your Name.
For giving me the joy
Of seeing dark star-studded skies
Turn to the ribboned dawn of sunrise,
I thank You and bless Your Name.
For painting the panoply of horizon
As far as eye can see
With pastel hues in swaths of beauty
I thank You and bless Your Name.
For the promise of the rose bud
My Psalm 184
Lord, I am thankful for all the beauty
You have graced us with.
Yesterday was a time of fellowship,
Of worship, of friendship, of music, of sunshine
And flowers, and the Glory of Your salvation.
Today will be a day of activity,
Of work, of planning, of accomplishment
After Your Sabbath.
I pray for strength for the day,
For times of fellowship and prayer with You,
For scripture which gladdens the heart
And chastises my…..
My Psalm 182
Almighty Father, Creator of the Universe,
Sovereign Lord over all, Abba Father,
I greet You this day with reverence and praise
And Hallelujahs for Your Majesty.
You Who set the course of the moon and stars
And the rhythm and pattern of the Universe,
Show me the path You wish me to follow today.
You who created each star and called it by name,
And sent its light to us years ago to enjoy tonight,
My Psalm 181
Dear Lord, Creator and Sustainer of the Universe,
Source of all wisdom, King of my heart, Abba Father,
Listen to the cries of your children who cry to You for mercy.
We are a hurting people, anxious, fearful, dismayed
By evil doing, rancor, hatred, falsehood, division—
Our sin against You and each other.
We believe, help Thou our unbelief,
In Your guidance, Your strength, Your sovereignty,
In Your Word which shows us time after time
I count my dear brother in Christ, Leon Pippin, as one of my Cloud of Witnesses. Just as Paul in the book of Hebrews noted those who followed our Lord in such a manner as to inspire others’ faith, so I add Leon’s name to mine. He has influenced me in my walk with the Lord.
I have known Leon for almost nine years, since our retirement and move to Florida. He and his sweet wife Emily have become dear…..
Busy proofreading Splendid Springtime at Whispering Woods this morning. Here are two gems to bless your day: From Psalm 145: “The Lord is righteous in all His way sand loving toward all He has made. The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him; He hears their cry and saves them. The Lord watches over all who love Him, But all the…..
My Psalm 180
Heavenly Father, Lord of all creation,
Mighty King, Everlasting Comforter,
Thank You for this new day
And for being nearer to me
Even than breath itself.
I humbly bow to Your Presence
With thanksgiving and rise to praise You
With upraised arms and a grateful heart.
In the darkness of the night
You are present with me.
In the uncertainties of my mind’s imagination,
You provide shelter and understanding.
In the dawning of a new day
I don’t suppose it’s easy to match the excitement of having two books published the same week. The first is an anthology of Christian writers chosen for Kingdom Expansion’s book, Stories of Hope. If ever there was a time for encouragement, this is that day and and this is a great way to experience that grace. My story is called “A Teachable Moment,” which is the real-life story of when as a teenager, I learned that the church is not a building,…..