In a world filled with TV news of war, intrigue, murders, and campaign promises, it’s hard to focus on the great things people are accomplishing. Yesterday afternoon at Eau Gallie, there was just such an interlude, and the nine members of our family were refreshed and our faith in the future was bolstered.
For what was announced to be the fourteen the Mel-Gallie Orchestra Festival, the orchestra students from these two high schools sent their orchestra students to an all…..
As I listen to news broadcasts, on EVERY channel, all I hear and see is WAR. While I intentionally stay apprised of current events, I find watching these broadcasts to be revolting, depressing, and endlessly repetitive, and while the old adage “blood sells papers ” is endlessly true, it’s way out of bounds now. Is there nothing else in the world to cover? Surely, there is.
I can’t do anything about this devastation and concern, but I can pray. And…..
By the world’s standards, we Americans are blessed to have a standard of living which is the envy of the people of the world. We take so much for granted. This weekend I went shopping, not in high end stores, really, but was once more amazed by the variety, the colors, and the sheer volume of things available for people to purchase. I remember the long-ago dime stores where we found daily items from sewing supplies to bathrobes to furnishings…..
it’s taken me a while to put the Israel conflict in perspective. After several days of wall-to-wall media coverage, my mind and the world’s is saturated in its horror and utterly dismayed by the coverage it’s received in full color and disgusting reality of barbarism beyond belief. And the prospect that hostages, if they’re still alive, have already been tortured, probably starved, and suffering intolerable conditions for five days already, s alarming as the world waits, and they wait for…..