Almighty Father, You who created me, You know me all too well. When I am discouraged, Bound by emotions which drain my energy And sap my strength, I pray deliverance.
When life’s struggles become burdensome, When I see the dark skies and feel overwhelmed, When death and disasters are clouds on my mind And the pain of sin overtakes my soul, I pray deliverance.
When I read in Psalms that David felt depression, I…..
MY PSALM 301 TRAGEDY Note: The tragic Parkland, FL school shooting, claiming seventeen lives, occurred the first day of Lent, 2018.
Heavenly Father, Creator of all things,
Abba, Father,
Praised be Your Name in the heavens and on earth,
For You have heard my cry; I can feel Your Presence Because Jesus brings me to Your loving arms When I cry out to You for strength this hour.
My heart is heavy with grief
Because Your children have…..
Lent 2025 begins today. It is a time of reflection and special worship leading up to the celebration of Easter. With God’s help, each day you will find a personal Psalm for your time of worship. These are from my book, Restore My Soul Psalms, A Lenten Journey. If you own the book, available on under my name Betty Whitaker Jackson, you will find a journal section for you to record your responses each day. I suggest it is a worthy…..