This book, a sequel to Seaside Serendipity, continues the story of a critical-care nurse with a vision. Sarah, a widow with two young children, converts her family’s home into a senior daytime care facility and hospice.She envisions and creates a caring community of service to others in her family’s magnificent Victorian home.
Godincidences and heartwarming experiences occur at Mom’s Touch. Our heroine walks forward through life’s disappointments, grief, and loneliness to create an atmosphere of possibility thinking and accomplishment. In situations that can be chaotic and difficult, Mom’s Tender Touch is an inspiration botprofessionally and personally. Too often the “Sandwich Generation” tries to balance raising children and caring for elderly family members needs a specialized support system. Sarah and her staff provide respite for those caregivers and caring and safe programs for the elderly and/or memory-care or stroke victims who need supervised care. Betty Jackson, in the last year, has moved to a facility where both independent and assisted living residents’ needs are met. Sarah, in the story, finds romance and “new” motherhood issues herself in this multi-layered story.
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