From the moment we know our minds and hearts have been touched by Jesus, He dwells within us. Theologians call it the “indwelling” or fancy terms like “election,” or the more current term, “chosen.” All I know is that my lifelong decision has been the focus of my choices and the direction of my life’s journey. To think that the Creator and Sustainer of the universe actually wants to, or longs to, adopt me as His own inheritance because Christ…..
On this Sabbath Lord’s Day, it is good to go to the House of the Lord and worship our God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Sabbath was created fro us to gain perspective, to rest, to honor our Creator-Redeemer, and to pause for reflection to correct our perspective on things. Otherwise, we’re making the world in our own image, rather than noting the path God has chosen for us. Especially during this Lenten season, it is wise to…..
For those of you who feel overwhelmed right now, I can identify. For those of you who are concerned about a loved one’s health or spirit, I can identify. For those of you who have a deep-seated problem to solve right this minute, I can identify. For those concerned about chaos and struggles, I can identify. For those of you with a sense…..
It’s always a good thing to pray for peace–among nations, in our families, in our communities, in our relationships, and in our hearts. As long, however, as sin remains in man, we have tendencies to self-centeredness, making idols of our comfort, our opinions, our possessions, our children, our possessions, and breaking the Ten Commandments. If you haven’t read them lately, Lent would be a good time to see if we commit sin in thought, word, and deed, and allow ourselves…..
I remember my dad singing this song with the Hendrick Hudson Male Chorus in Hudson, New York every spring in concert. The group of about fifty men gave concerts twice a year under the direction of R. Steele Phillips, my favorite music teacher ever. He taught me to sing, to play trumpet and baritone horn, and taught me a regents level course in music theory when I was in high school.
According to the Library of Congress, in 1884, Michael…..
We all need a bit of grace and mercy in our busy lives, don’t we? I need to post more than one of my Lenten poem-psalms according to the date. I’ve been living a fractured life lately, finding a new home for my sister, trying to publish Anthology 4 with my writers here at Glenbrooke, and juggling too many activities that jump in to remind me to “get a life.” I love that God numbers our days, that He provides…..
Do you rejoice, as I do, when you have an “Ah ha moment,” a time when you can relax and say things are going so well it’s hard to not smile? Remember a time when you looked forward to the day, or the accomplishment of a project, or a “free day” with no major obstacles in sight? It’s refreshing, isn’t it?
I think of the Twenty-third Psalm, where God says, “He restoreth my soul.”
After a time of stress, isn’t…..
Once again, dear readers, I beg forgiveness for not posting consistently. Yesterday was full from dawn to way past dusk with an unexpected but wonderful visit from grandchildren with interesting projects to complete. On Sunday, Kaley asked to spend time with Grandma and Grandpa. Who can refuse that? Sandwiched between using a four-day pass to Disney this week on school break, she wanted…..
I ask forgiveness. I did not get to post this yesterday. Forgive me for backdating it. For those of you who know, or even don’t know me, I have been dealing with intense difficulties dealing with my sister. She has recently been hospitalized for a whole month, is now in rehab, and as of yesterday, we are dealing with finding her a place to live immediately. For a while yesterday, it seemed the only alternative was a SNF, better known…..
When Christ said we had to become like little children to inherit the kingdom, I think some of us who have thought of ourselves as adults who “had our acts together and had developed a reasonably good sense of awareness, think that we have achieved some sort of discretion. We even feel proud, sometimes, of what we’ve learned or achieved. But Jesus said, come to Me with a complete sense of trust, a complete innocence so He can fill us…..