There are two occasions when our family gets together during the holidays: Thanksgiving and New Years. Not only is there feasting, and I mean all day feasting–hors d’oerves, — all those things which are off limits full of calories, fat, and deliciousness the rest of the year, and a huge dinner late in the afternoon. When I…..
There’s a certain relief after the Christmas stuff is put away and life as we knew it before the holidays resumes. I know I am happy to put away the tree, ornaments, nativities, and busyness of the holiday season. It seems the whole time from Thanksgiving to New Years is a blur of activity and concerts, and “gotta do’s” and gifting and receiving, and deadlines and…and….and. About October I start dreading all that the season has become.
I heard a…..
Here we are again, the first day of the first month of a new year, 2024. The fireworks, the well-wishes, the parade, the football, the resolutions, the champagne, the black-eyed peas, and the family gatherings–it’s a day to look forward and a day of reflection.
Here’s my perspective:
So teach us to number our days that…..
Christmas, and of course the eve of a new year, is a great time to evaluate, another of those milestones that give us opportunity to take measure, to think about where we are in life, and where we wish we were.
I suppose some people think about how their lives are going, judging by how many party invitations they receive or what gifts they receive. i suppose that’s a “thing” for many. For me, now so much. Some people count…..
Today is the shortest day of the year! There’s a psychological aspect to it. In many parts of the world, THIS is the day of Christmas, intentionally.
Isaiah 43:18 says: Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing anew thing! Now it springs up’ do you not perceive it? I am…..
As you prepare for Christmas weekend, this is the last of the four Advent Wreath celebrations, the Peace candle. If ever the world needed peace, it is this time in our history. Welcome the Prince of Peace with this collection of scriptures and the reminder yet again of God’s salvation message and His reason for our joy. Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift through the Christmas presentation of His gift to the world.
WEEK 3 Advent Wreath The Joy Candle
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, we praise You this day for the joy of knowing You through Your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. When man was buried in sin, with no hope and no joy, You gave us the Gift of Jesus, to help us know Your mercy and love, and to become a perfect sacrifice…..
Jesse Tree Ornament #13 Miracles
When he (King Ahab who mocked the prophet Elijah) saw Elijah, he said, “Is it you—the biggest troublemaker in Israel?”
Elijah answered, “I have not caused trouble in Israel. You and your father’s family have caused all this trouble. You have not obeyed the Lord’s commands. You have followed the Baals. Now tell all Israel to meet me…..
Joshua son of Nun secretly sent out two spies from Acacia. Joshua said to them, “Go and look at the land. Look closely at the city of Jericho.”
So the men went to Jericho. They went to the house of a prostitute and stayed there. This woman’s name was Rahab.
Someone told the king of Jericho, “Some men from Israel have come here tonight. They are spying out…..