SCRIPTURE[1]: A branch will grow from a stump of a tree that was cut down. So a new king will come from the family of Jesse. The Spirit of the Lord will rest upon that king. The Spirit gives him wisdom, understanding, guidance and power. And the Spirit teaches him to know and respect the Lord. This king will be glad to obey the Lord. He will not judge by the…..
Chrismons are ornaments symbolizing the life of Christ. Unlike the Jesse Tree ones just presented in Advent Adventure, these symbolize the life and mission of Jesus Christ. While some of them take reference to the Old Testament, most are rooted in New Testament scripture of practices of the early church.
This author’s first acquaintance with Chrismon ornaments was in a previous church where the members held a workshop to create these ornaments from sheet Styrofoam™ The…..
On this first day of Advent, you may want to establish a Jesse Tree and/or begin making Chrismon ornaments to display during the holiday. My book, Advent Adventures, I include patterns for these and scripture references for each. See my blog today at for more information each day of…..
The Advent Wreath: five lessons including prayer, the lighting of the candle, scripture, an advent hymn, and closing prayer. To make this easier for children to understand, the Biblical text is from the International Children’s Bible. Feel free to adapt each Sunday’s observance. Several members of the family can read passages. You may use the entire thing, or abbreviate as needed. For the hymns, use the footnote source and the music will play so your singing can be accompanied. Or,…..
Sorry my website has been down. We’re back.
from my book Advent Adventure, a Devotional Guide where you will find Jesse Tree and Christon ornaments:
We are admonished by scripture to teach our children a true picture of God and our relationship to Him, as found in:
chapter eleven of Deuteronomy:[1]
So if you faithfully obey the commands
I am giving you today—
to love the Lord your God and to serve him with all your heart and…..
Personally, I think moms invented the term multi-tasking. It is indeed possible to stir batter, hip-balance a cranky baby, talk on the phone, let the dog out, and carry on a perfectly logical, even engaging, conversation at the same time.
And hopefully, whether Thanksgiving dinner, that test of culinary prowess, or any meal, or major family gathering, those pesky moments of panic will be less a test of patience than we anticipate. We’ve got this!
We’re wired to accomplish such…..
Day 19
And with an attitude of gratitude, God guided me through dating and courtship, helping me develop the character list my future spouse must possess, and then sending me the perfect person to complete me. He is a godly man, and Christ has been the center focus of our relationship from day one. We met in church. We developed our relationship as church ministry opportunities opened for us. He is logical-mathematical, I am verbal-artistic-creative. We love classical music, and…..
Day 18
I express my attitude of gratitude that I can read and write, that I can expand my world through vicariously reading about others who have lived life. I can study the Scriptures. What a privilege. I think of girls in the world who are forbidden education. What a pity. Those who never think about the loss of these cannot possibly understand my attitude of gratitude. It is immense.
I am indebted to the teachers, mentors, counselors, family members,…..
Day 17
I delighted in Mrs. O’Rourke’s discipline in teaching me journalistic style, although I have struggled to forgive her for telling me, “Now, Betty June, I know you want to be a reporter, but only men can do that job. You’d be a great teacher!” She was right, I was a great teacher, but she quashed my dream. What I learned, I taught. My students won writing awards and distinction, and with an attitude of gratitude, I thank my…..
Day 16
I have an attitude of gratitude that several teachers and others encouraged me to write. My school years were filled with opportunities for which I am thankful, and teachers who saw promise and shaped my voice. I fell in love with words in Mrs. Meyer’s class. I loved debate when Miss Gorman and Mr. Sullivan helped me manipulate arguments, write rebuttals, and see the essence of a topic. Today, I remember the teachers and mentors who guided me,…..