When I spend time listening to news, I can get discouraged very quickly. The old adage is true: “blood sells papers.” Now that TV has taken over the way we hear about the affairs of the world, the old newspaper theme is a bit passe, so now we get news of disasters, crime in the streets, and injustice in full color, illustrated with visuals our minds cannot erase once we’ve seen them.
I’m so glad I have the book of…..
We’ve had several occasions already this morning to exercise this verse’s advice: from Ephesians 4:2-3: “Be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Always keep yourselves united in the Holy Spirit, and bind yourselves together with peace.” Yesterday we attended a meeting of small group leaders of our church. Ev and I have…..
There’s something to be said about new beginnings, and about holding on to the past. Yesterday was the first day of school for kids in Brevard County, Florida. The excitement of the first day is palpable. Students have their new backpacks filled with the supplies that will spell success. They lay out their outfits or uniforms the night before, dressing to impress. They probably don’t sleep very well, wondering if their best friends will be in their class, and anticipating…..
First thing, Happy Birthday to my Dad in heaven. How I wish he’d lived to know my grandchildren and been part of all the communities I’ve lived in, but God numbered his days, as He numbers all our days, and left many with good memories of Loren James Whitaker, Sr. I miss the years we could have had.
Continuing with my Mah Jongg story: Yesterday a lady here at Glenbrooke took a patient hour and a half or so to…..
I suppose the saying, “You can’t teach old dogs new tricks” might apply. Yesterday Ev and I attended the first of, I hope many, ice cream socials at our new senior facility. The staff here tries to involved people in activities, meals, trips, and events to bring us together in a sense of community. It’s admirable. Many of the people here are singels without nearby family members, and it is important that they fellowship with others.
We are part of…..
One of the great things about being in a new community is learning things from new people we’re meeting. Today we went to a birthday celebration for August birthdays. Ev was invited because his birthday was July 20, and we had just moved in. We had the pleasure of meeting a retired dentist, ninety years old, who was seated by himself. We enjoyed talking with him. At the beginning, he seemed to want to be by himself, but after short…..
For those considering a move such as the one we’ve just completed (no the boxes are not all emptied, the place is not finally organized, and the paintings are not hung), I’ve learned some lessons that might save you aggravation and grief.
Number 1: because we’ve been so blessed with item s attained over our fifty-five year marriage, we’ve become complacent. While we’ve appreciated owning many of the items others have deemed appropriate, many are no longer needed in our…..
The dust is settling after our eventful moving week, that is if you discount the torrential rain the last few days. Wow.
We are getting settles, and have entertained (not in the manner to which we are accustomed, you understand) with the family of nine celebrating the two grandpas with delightful chocolate cake. We haven’t received our new furniture yet, so we were on folding chairs, rocking chairs, porch chairs and two antique rocking chairs that seem to always come…..
Well, we’ve become landless…first time in our married history we haven’t owned a house (or mortgaged one). Yesterday we paid off the mortgage, and bills and became independent livers in our new home. There’s something freeing about all this, but it’s not without cost.
Ev and I are exhausted, physically and mentally. This whole month’s adventure is not to be relived. Too many decisions, too much accumulated stuff, too many unknowns, but God has been faithful through it all.
Well, we’ve become landless…first time in our married history we haven’t owned a house (or mortgaged one). Yesterday we paid off the mortgage, and bills and became independent livers in our new home. There’s something freeing about all this, but it’s not without cost.
Ev and I are exhausted, physically and mentally. This whole month’s adventure is not to be relived. Too many decisions, too much accumulated stuff, too many unknowns, but God has been faithful through it all.