When Christ said we had to become like little children to inherit the kingdom, I think some of us who have thought of ourselves as adults who “had our acts together and had developed a reasonably good sense of awareness, think that we have achieved some sort of discretion. We even feel proud, sometimes, of what we’ve learned or achieved. But Jesus said, come to Me with a complete sense of trust, a complete innocence so He can fill us…..
Almighty God, Creator of the Universe, Abba, Father,
I pray today for wisdom, Your guidance, Your direction.
Around me I hear constant babble,
Competing voices,
Rabid arguments,
Statements of fools parading as truth.
I need only hear Your still, small voice
As I come to You in prayer.
Proverbs chapter 18 describes the world we live in:
Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment. …..
From the moment of our conception, we are dying. Since the garden of Eden’s fiasco, through the darkness of the womb, birth trauma, reckless youth, through the ages of acquisition and vitality, to the “world is my oyster” golden age, to senioritis, we are on a path to death. While early Old Testament characters lived into the hundreds of years, we read that fourscore and ten may now be achieved. My husband and I have almost done it!
But, we…..
This Psalm is most appropriate for me today, and God in his wisdom when I wrote it several years ago, knew today would come. Today we have the status meeting for my sister Dorothy to determine where and when she will transfer to her permanent residence this side of heaven. As most of you who have been praying about this with us know, she was hospitalized with several major issues, including double pneumonia, congestive heart failure, and kidney insufficiency all…..
Almighty Father, Creator of all things,
We call upon Your Name in supplication,
For we so need Your Presence this day.
Your Word tells us that the death of Your saints
Is precious in Your sight, and we grieve this day.
We know You loved us enough to sacrifice Your Son
Jesus Christ for us, atonement for our sinful nature.
He willingly left the heavenly realms
Where He counseled in Your Presence,
Was worshiped by…..
Almighty Father, You who created me, You know me all too well. When I am discouraged, Bound by emotions which drain my energy And sap my strength, I pray deliverance.
When life’s struggles become burdensome, When I see the dark skies and feel overwhelmed, When death and disasters are clouds on my mind And the pain of sin overtakes my soul, I pray deliverance.
When I read in Psalms that David felt depression, I…..
MY PSALM 301 TRAGEDY Note: The tragic Parkland, FL school shooting, claiming seventeen lives, occurred the first day of Lent, 2018.
Heavenly Father, Creator of all things,
Abba, Father,
Praised be Your Name in the heavens and on earth,
For You have heard my cry; I can feel Your Presence Because Jesus brings me to Your loving arms When I cry out to You for strength this hour.
My heart is heavy with grief
Because Your children have…..
Lent 2025 begins today. It is a time of reflection and special worship leading up to the celebration of Easter. With God’s help, each day you will find a personal Psalm for your time of worship. These are from my book, Restore My Soul Psalms, A Lenten Journey. If you own the book, available on Amazon.com under my name Betty Whitaker Jackson, you will find a journal section for you to record your responses each day. I suggest it is a worthy…..
The Christian observance of Lent begins March 5 and extends to April 14, Ash Wednesday to Maundy Thursday, in preparation for Easter on April 17. As you know, Easter is a movable date based on ancient tradition.
Typically, Lent, for many, is a time of reflection, a time to renew our faith walk with forty days of reflection, self-examination, and a time to restore our faith walk. Some, during this time “give up” things as a discipline. Many do not,…..
Yes, it’s early in the morning, and some of my happiest memories are recalling Reginal Heber’s wonderful hymn, “Holy, Holy, Holy.” And yes, it’s early in the morning, 3:21 to be specific. Why am I awake? Perhaps because of what has been occurring the last month or so. I have been on somewhat of a hiatus from writing… family crises can do that.
I have grown more spiritually during this time. As my readers know, I spent five months during…..