We can be confident that God is eternal. We can be confident that he has made a covenant with the children who follow Him that he will erect tall hedges of protection around us, and that He will be the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and in all of eternity. We know Him as the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end…..
We buy insurance for cars, homes, and even our lives, right? It is to guard and protect us in the event of natural events or accidents. For the Christian, it’s a necessary expense, but we have the ASSURANCE of God’s love and protection, and the sure knowledge that he loves us, sustains us, and erects tall hedges of protection around our lives from conception to heaven. Psalm 103 tells us of God’s watch over us, like a father. For indeed,…..
Philippians 4:6 is key to peace in the Christian life. Daily, we are bombarded by ascending and descending events which project two possibilities: one–those things which stress us and cause us pain, and two–those things that promote calm and joy. Our mind attitude makes it possible to dwell on one or the other, either to our detriment or to our encouragement. How is your filter working?
We can, when put in stressful…..
Earlier this week, my husband and I were delighted to hear the Genevanss, a college choir from Geneva College in Pennsylvania. It reminded me of college tour times. They sang one of the anthems I remember singing. It is a song of intercession, of praying to God for something specific, but of a yearning for all Christians.
It was written during a night…..
As with yesterday’s post, I consulted my concordance on the topic of peace. The print in my concordance is too small for my damaged eyes to read, so I went to my standby, Google, ans asked: how many Bible references are there dealing with the world PEACE? It took me to this site, and I’m sure I will visit it again. https://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/peace-bible-verses/
This site…..
My Bible concordance includes almost fifty references in the Bible regarding Promise, Promised, Promises, etc., so it must be important to God that we consider the concept in our Christian walk. We’re familiar with several of these. For instance, after Noah’s flood, God promised, with the rainbow, to never destroy the whole earth again by flood. In Peter’s Pentecost speech, he talks…..
My husband and I and a delighted audience were pleased to hear the Genevans, the college choir of students from Geneva College sing their concert. They are on choir tour, and their presentation brought back memories of my tours some sixty years ago with the Hope College Chapel Choir. Delightful.
One of the awesome anthems they sang was one dealing with the Palm Sunday story of Jesus entering Jerusalem. His group of followers, and we’re told that also children shouted:…..
I’ve noticed that St. Paul often opened and closed his epistles with the phrase “grace and peace.” He was writing to the early churches scattered outward from Rome to Asia Minor and knew they were facing persecution and other problems suffered by new Christians in an opposing society. His situation was similar to ours. A secular culture which denied the importance of mercy…..
In my recent study of Revelation 2, where John hears from God that He has messages for seven churches, we see that restoration is the overriding message. When I named my Lenten book, “Restore My Soul Psalms” it was an attempt for readers to examine their lives and their walk with God as the forty days of Lent prescribes. The church at Ephesus hears its indictment: “You have lost your first love,” meaning, you’ve lost your passion and love for…..
One of the great teachings of Christianity is that we can rest in God. So many verses in the Bible give this assurance, and for us in this troubled, sin-filled world…some would even call it chaotic…this assurance is a blessing.
The familiar Psalm 23 says “He leads me beside the still waters. He refreshes my soul.” What a blessing that is when we face financial, physical, psychological, or spiritual challenges. In Matthew 29:6 we read: “Take my yoke upon you,…..