Day 12
With an attitude of gratitude, I have learned through the college of hard knocks that the world does not revolve around my little sphere of influence. I’m glad I’ve learned that lesson. I should say, I am learning that.
As aging occurs, I find less strength of my own. Everything takes more time and energy than it used to. I need to write lists now to remember dates, things-to-do, prescriptions, directions. Coping mechanisms.
It’s God’s way, mixed with…..
As I write this, I sit on our Florida patio waiting for yet another hurricane expected in the next hours. It’s a beautiful, tropical day in paradise. The humidity is gone, the breezes are blowing the palms and everything else, and it’s a cool 75 degrees. Gorgeous. Yet, we know what is coming.
I did “emergency” food shopping yesterday–you know, things we don’t need electricity to prepare–just the essentials. When I arrived, everyone else in town had the same intention……
This is indeed a special day. The blood red moon eclipse is underway as I write this. There will not be another one for three years. The stars twinkle so close it’s like the most brilliant picture of stars you’ve ever seen. Looking west, to the end of our street, the moon hangs between two column of tall pine trees. Yes, it is red, partially lighter on the right side. I couldn’t help but hum the hymn, “How Great Thou…..
Day 7
I love one of my neighbors who often smiles and says, in response to my, “How are you, Jesse,” : “Too blessed to be stressed.” He lives the Christian life of joy and thanksgiving every day. He knows the strength of God’s love in His life, and I have begun using his comment with others. It’s amazing what a difference it makes in people’s attitudes, and in mine.
Today’s Scripture: “Shout for joy to the Lord, all…..
Day 6
I choose to live with an attitude of gratitude for the big things, such as my personal relationship with Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrificial Presence with me, and for the little personal things which affect my moment in time/history but have eternal consequences. Even the difficult days become testimonies to His guidance.
What, then, does the Bible say about gratitude? There are at least 30…..
Day 5
It is with awe and an attitude of gratitude that He is not merely “out there” but is a very personal presence because He reaches us through sending Jesus Christ as a visible presence, and His Holy Spirit to guide us and point us to Him, Holy yet approachable.
When I look at life through His perspective, my life is inexplicably entwined with His purposes for me and for those with whom I come in contact. Mankind, believers…..
The world calls unexplainable situations various names: circumstance or chance, coincidence or accident, serendipity or freak of nature, luck or magic. Culture has its explanations. How many times have we heard:
“It is what it is,” “That’s the way the cookie crumbles,” or “That’s life.”?
I, on the other hand, live in the sure knowledge that God is in charge of my every experience; therefore, I know…..
Every day is a blessing. This one especially is beautiful because it is the birthday of Emily Grace, our vivacious, energetic, granddaughter who blesses the lives of those around her with her enthusiasm and creativity.
This is Day 2 of our month of Thanksliving–notice it is not just Thanksgiving we celebrate, but a life attitude of gratitude.
Day 2
It seems to me we learn to cope with life’s circumstances through facing them with an attitude of gratitude for what…..
From my devotional book and journal, Day 1, “Thanksliving: Attitude of Gratitude.” May it bless your day!
Day 1
Today let us remember the legacy of faith presented to us by those who have lived the Christian life before us. Perhaps it is the prayers of a grandmother or parent that has brought you to faith. Perhaps it is a Sunday School teacher who not only taught you, but exhibited Christ’s message even without using words or flannel graph figures……
Like many other things, the history of Halloween involves many views and traditions in history, and attitudes have been created by cultures and individuals as a result. The most complete, I think, discussion can be found at
One of the places where we lived, our church roundly condemned the celebration of Halloween as witchcraft and allowed our children to dress only as Biblical characters or to not celebrate Halloween at all. Christian children were told it was an evil…..