The Bible talks about committing your ways to the Lord. When we pray that God’s will be done, we are turning over our plans to the King of the Universe, knowing that He has a specific purpose for which we were made. He has a plan for each person’s life. Nothing is by chance. Believers know that.
We often experience divine encournters. I call them Godincidences. For example, the name of someone may be on our minds. Only later do…..
I am praying for Ukraine. This is a story I wrote some time ago. May it give us perspective. I conducted considerable research before writing it.
Daughters of Chernikiv
My home, Chernihiv, Ukraine, is my favorite place in the world. I am a proud daughter of Ukraine, and if I have anything to do with it, the daughter I am carrying will be too. She is due to be born at Eastertide.
This season we are celebrating now is Christmas,…..
Yesterday, I attended the 40th anniversary of the Space Coast Writers’ Guild, a big influencer on my author journey. During the last ten years, I have completed twenty-eight books and submitted nearly fifty pieces to eighteen juried anthologies. This is one I completed called COVID-19 CHANGED MY WORLD. Its genre: A Personal Essay by Betty Whitaker Jackson
Chronology I: Know Your Enemy
My theme for 2020 was “Sharing the Plenty in 2020.” Little did I know what would be…..
Ev and I watched the Supreme Court debate regarding Sackett vs. EPA/CWA etc. on CSPAN the other day. I am sure I could have bee a litigating attorney, if that opportunity had been afforded to me way back in the 1950’s. As the first one to attend college on either side of my family, two choices were afforded me by my guidance counselor: teaching or nursing. I wanted to be a news correspondent and was told by my counselor, who…..
Typically on a Monday, I reflect on the previous week, set a goal or two for the new week, and start on whatever project I’ve chosen to undertake. So, that’s what I’ll do today.
It’s about 1:30 in the afternoon, and I’m too tired to continue my floor-washing task. Inevitably, it leads to other things which steal my energy and lead me to say, “Enough, already.”
I will admit, before I was released by my PT doctor on Thursday to…..
This morning I planted marigolds. I love marigolds. They not only keep aphids away, they are edible and beautiful. No, my family won’t eat their peppery flowers, and Ev detests their smell, so I don’t bring them into the house in bouquets. But, they cheer me and make me smile.
This is a poem I wrote several years ago:
When I’m depressed, I plant marigolds.
Their sunny faces nestle in valleys of
Ruffled fringe
Teaching me yet again
Ev and I spent yesterday cleaning up the yard after Hurrican ian. We are surrounded by seventeen acres of pine forest owned by the city of Palm Bay. Normally, we are thankful for this; however, the storm dropped pound after pound of pine straw in our yard. It is hard to rake out of the grass, but knowing the lawn care people were coming this morning, we knew we had to clean up some of this mess or they would…..
Yes, the pictures of Hurricane Ian’s wake are horrific. The losses of property and life cause us dismay and sadness. For pictures, go to Washington Post website.
We are a materialistic society. We amass stuff, much of which we thought would bring us happiness and fulfillment. This week many lost “stuff.” Boats piled up, piles of unusable furniture, debris from expensive landscaping, cars no longer able to serve their masters, and homes destroyed–all reminders of things many in the world…..
Now that my surgery, rehab, Covid, and hurricane Ian are over and passed, and the summer is gone, it’s time to concentrate on what is really important and get on with living. At least, it seems that the exigencies of life will once more allow me to live.
Ephesians 3:17 is today’s verse. Even while I have storm shutters to remove today, floors to wash, hurricane readiness kit contents to…..