On these last few days of school, and really for all of life, these words about wisdom from the sovereign God who is omnipotent, omnipresent, and who calls us to Him:
“Anyone who rebukes a mocker will get an insult in return. Anyone who corrects the wicked will get hurt. So don’t bother correcting mockers; they will only hate you. but correct the wise, and they will love you. Instruct the wise and they will be even wiser. Teach the…..
Where I live in Palm Bay, people are aggressively building houses. Day after day, treed lots succumb to heavy machines which tear down the greenery, chase wild animals, and leave the ground bare. Some call it progress.
The Bible has some things to say about building, actually, lots of things to say. Psalm 127: 1 “Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stands guard in vain.” Matthew…..
Celebrate ’21 Everyone! God’s Got This! is the slogan I adopted for this year. For the most part, thee have been things to celebrate if we look for them. Psalm 103:2-4 says: “Praise the Lord, I tell myself, and never gorget the good things He does for me. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He ransoms me from death and surrounds me with love and tender mercies.!
We have seen a vaccine which effectively cancels the…..
After a hugely busy weekend, it’s Monday again. Can’t believe 2021 is almost half over already! Where does the time go?
Saturday our granddaughters, Kaley and Emily participated in their year-end dance recital, with their beautifully prepared dances in ballet, jazz, and tap. They look so pretty in their costumes, and performed to perfection. We now have a gallery of posed pictures to choose from. We’re so proud of the lovely young ladies they’re becoming. All the music was Christian,…..
We have spent a year and a half afraid to meet together because of COVID’s curse and political leaders who couldn’t let a crisis go to waste. It is time to gather, to hug, to converse, to share our woes and joys, to worship, to communicate with smiles, raised eyebrows, and embraces.
I so look forward to Wednesdays. It is when our small group gathers. Some of our members have always been at a distance: Dan in Texas, Marion in…..
My Psalm 507 Ascension and Beyond
Long ago on this day
The disciples were bereft
Their Savior and friend, their hope and their stay
Had ascended to the Father, He apparently left.
For the second time in two months
They had lost sight of Jesus
Buried from the cross, in a grave, behind a huge stone
They thought all was over, “Did He deceive us?”
Then, miracle of miracles, God resurrected Him
He walked and talked, taught, reassured…..
Today is Ascension Day, victory for Jesus as He ascends to the throneroom of heaven. From there, He is our advocate to the Father, and from there, He rules. Until His kingdom comes on earth, He is surrounded by the glory he knew before walking among us on dusty roads, a servant king among us, Emmanuel. He paid the price for our sins, which the world still commits, by the way. Just listen to the news or walk down a…..
My Psalm 166 tells the story of Jesus: Fulfillment of prophecy, miraculous birth, life as servant king, His sacrifice, resurrection, ascension, sending the Comforter, the task of the church, His return, His reign, our hope as we wait.
My Psalm 166
Predicted Messiah/ Son of God, Son of Man/ Prince of Peace, Lord of Lords,/From Paradise came.
A manger Your bed/ Face scratched by the straw/ That same brow a crown/ Of fierce thorns You would wear.
Man of sorrows,…..
In Honor of Mothers Day “HANDS”
Most of all, I miss her hands. When I last saw them in this life, they were crossed, idle, on a pale blue coverlet in the hospice house where she finally, after a year-long battle with cancer, needed them no longer.
I remember her fingernails, long for the first time ever, painted with lavender polish she never would have chosen herself, but the hospice nurse had primped her thin hair a bit, dusted her…..
It seems to me that we can focus on the news of the day: business, immigration, storms, jobs, COVID, civil unrest, or other problems, or we can turn our attention and our affection to loving others, loving God’s creation, and yes, loving God with all our heart, soul, and mind and leaving the problems of this world to His direction.
Tomorrow is Mothers’ Day, a time to honor the moms who nurtured, guided, and prayed for us. They wanted only…..