Nothing is quite so upsetting, well, I guess there might be some things, to a writer than not being connected to the internet. Happened again this morning. Ran the diagnostics. Said I wasn’t hooked up to the Brevard Library WiFi. Why would I want to be? You ask.
I know the Power Source of the universe, and because of Jesus and Easter, I can call upon Him any time, any place, 24/7. I don’t need to be in a church…..
Credit to Norman Vincent Peale and Robert Schuller for the term “Possibility Thinking.” Both of these Christian saints inspired me to recognize that God loves us so much that He wants us to dream big, to embrace His universe, to look for prayer answers to be far in excess of our meager requests, and to constantly be on the lookout for Godincidences where no other answer is feasible without God’s orchestrating the outcomes.
Susie Larson writes this thought for today…..
Psalm 92:1-2 says: “It is good to praise the Lord and make music to Your name, O Most High, proclaiming Your love in the morning and Your faithfulness at night.” Susie Larson writes in “Blessings for Every Day,” the following: “May you begin to see with Spirit eyes all the ways God is moving because of your prayers. May you begin to hear with heavenly ears the song heaven sing over you. May you begin to know–on a deeper level–how…..
Susie Larson in “Blessings for Every Day” writes: “It is for freedom that Christ has set you free. May you refuse to be subject to any yoke of slavery–slavery to sin, fear, legalism, or striving. May you rest in the knowledge that Jesus paid it all so that you could walk free and whole. May you boldly live the abundant, fruitful life He had in mind from the beginning. You are everything to Him.”
That statement has so many applications…..
We mourn for dreams unfulfilled, for loved ones, for a world which has lost its way. We mourn as we watch news broadcasts and TV and movie films glorifying violence, mayhem, madness, and murder. We mourn over injustice. We mourn as moral values and brotherly love face counter culture and “woke”, tearing us apart.
Isaiah told us God has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the Lord’s favor has come. He will give beauty for…..
My personal Bible study this year is creating “Reading Excitement!” I’m using the One Year Chronological Bible, New Living Translation from Tyndale, and reliving the Old Testament stories of heroes and happenings. The theme is always the same: God’s sovereignty and providence, His rules to live by, man’s sinful choices, retribution, restoration, and redemption. I know the history and stories point to the need for a Savior, and just since Easter I have seen glimpses of that plan and the…..
I look forward to Sunday worship when our Worship leader begins with praise songs, then works into worship, then to meditative and contemplative, even confessional. I like the sequence. In “Blessings for Every Day,” Susie Larson praise and breakthrough in thanksgiving! when you stomp your feet, raise your hands, and sing a song of parise, the enemy scurries away, covers his ears, and his plans come to nothing. With God on your side, you have all you need to win…..
In such a time as this, we can use some comforting words. I’ve been reading the Chronological Bible as my daily reading this year. I’m relearning the stories of the Judges, the battles, the guidance of God, and His continuing providence, constantly bringing back His people to Him. Easter is the ultimate revelation of John 3:16. Today, let these words give you comfort, bring you joy, and let you know that God’s presence is just as real to us as…..
After Easter, Jesus, the Risen Lord, appeared to many. Their stories are riveting. His disciples and others ate with Him, talked with Him, walked with Him, and listened to His teaching. They knew, because He told them, that He would soon be leaving them, ascending into heaven, and that would be necessary so that He could send the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, who would help them, and us, recall what He had taught and give us wisdom to spread the…..
On this final Lenten Restoration posting, I am filled with joy at the preparation for Easter our family celebrated yesterday making break, resurrection cookies, and sharing stories of Easter and God’s provisions for our family. Rightly, “Legacy” is the next to the last poem in my book “Restore My Soul: A Lenten Journey” and perhaps the most important one. As we worshiped together last night on Good Friday, we reflected on what the disciples must have felt that evening, with…..