This pivotal day in history, Good Friday, called this because on this historic day Christ atoned for the sins of the world, and they are legion. Those who follow Him as the Son of God, Savior, Redeemer are forgiven for past, present, and future sin. He is the Pascal Lamb, designated from the beginning of the world, to allow us to call God Abba, Father.
One sad day the disciples saw
Their Lord crucified,…..
Maundy Thursday, the date of Christ’s Last Supper and his arrest, was anything but April Fools’ Day. This was His day of teaching, of betrayal, of the Last Supper, of prayer–agonizing prayer, of arrest, scourging, and trial. Scripture tells us, “God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall have everlasting life.” The irony is that fools will reject this message because they think this is the ‘only’ life, but our Creator…..
One of the greatest themes of Easter is heaven. Jesus taught about the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus ascended into heaven. The early church writers wrote about heaven. Even Old Testament stories reveal the concept of heaven.
We might have differing opinions about where heaven is, what heaven looks like, what our life there will be, and how we will worship God there. We may have confusion about whether we will know everyone there we knew in this life, and whether…..
Holy Week gives us opportunity to reevaluate our own mortality, to ask ourselves, “What am I doing to advance the cause of Christ?, and to reset priorities. Today’s My Psalm asks God to prepare us to be used to further the kingdom.
For some Christians, perhaps those Christian in Name Only, it means giving up an hour of worship on Easter Sunday and Christmas Eve, no doubt dressed in the latest finery. May they truly hear the Gospel preached and…..
Heavenly Father, Lord and Master, Is there a Balm in Gilead where the sin-sick And world-weary can go to find succor, healing and rest?[1] And beside those still waters, will You lead me still To restoration and revelation of Your mercy and grace?[2]
And perhaps, when my weary feet can gain the altitude, You’ll lead me once again to the hills From whence comes my strength.[3]…..
This begins traditional Holy Week. I wrote “Three Triumphal Entries” for my book “Beyond Easter: Ascension and Pentecost” showing the festive nature of Christ’s final entry into Jerusalem. All over the world this day we celebrate Hosannas to the Son of David. Predidcted from the first words of scripture, this was a mini-version of the finality which will occur: every knee shall bow to Jesus Christ, either in worship or the terror of defeat. It is up to the hearts…..
The Christian message is one of freedom, not restriction. Christ broke the chains of legalism, of the weight of sin, and changed cultural mores forever, especially for women. In a day when cancel culture is the byword, Jesus was indeed a waymaker, a force of change, and indeed brought us into a relationship with the King of the universe in a very personal relationship way. We are no longer slaves to sin, but are free, free indeed, with an abundant…..
Mass murder is again in the news. This My Psalm was written when the Parkland High School shooting occurred, but once more we hear of two others committed this month. I’m currently reading Old Testament stories when 12,000 were killed in a single battle, that one authorized by God to clear the land for Joshua and the Israelites. Life is precious. We can ask the question, “Why?” but we can balance that with God’s sovereignty and knowledge of man’s sinful…..
The gospel of John says is so well: “The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and Only, Who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14) If you look up the word Glory in a concordance, and then the offshoots such as glorious, glorified, etc., you will find hundreds of references in the Bible, cover to cover. Indeed, the Bible, cover to cover, tells…..
Although this psalm was written well before the COVID year we’ve endured, people today seem to be overwhelmed by that circumstance more than any other. What we need to remember is that God is sovereign, He is in control, He listens to our prayers, and He is the infinite problem solver and waymaker. He is, scripture tells us, our very present help in times of trouble.
Lord God, Almighty to Save, We come into Your Presence…..