We begin a new month. The birds are singing and building their nests in our yard. It’s dawn as I write, not the dead of night at 6:30. I finished writing an “April” piece yesterday, promising this April will be better than last year’s April. Think so? March 31st in New York City saw 1000 deaths–they buried hundreds of bodies on Hart Island, New York’s Potters’ Field. Surely, this year there is hope, although we still haven’t gotten appointments for…..
On this Sabbath morning, let us bring Hosanna and Praise to the God of the Universe who attends every molecule, every cell, every star in the heavens, every thought on our hearts, and who holds past, present, and future. Worship Him livestream or in person and find the answers to Life you’re seeking.
Almighty Father, Prince of Peace, Holy Spirit my comfort, What joy to come with songs of joy To pray to Your…..
This is a special day in the Jackson family, the birthday of our son. God extended His grace and mercy to us. Married for eleven years, at almost forty years old, God gifted us with a son, and eighteen months later a daughter. Both are gifts we treasure and have given as gifts to the Lord. This Lenten psalm is one of my favorites.
Our Father Who art in heaven, We bless You today…..
God offers us redemption and restoration, and the season of Lent is a good time to concentrate on this blessing.
Heavenly Father, Lord of the Universe, Savior of my soul, I come to You this day with thanksgiving For the blessing of Your salvation. I thank You that before the dawn of creation You knew me, You loved me, You called me, Your daughter, to be one of Yours, And that I now know You as…..
I pray today’s Psalm #309 for myself and for our nation. Its title is Repentance:
Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You in repentance, Asking forgiveness for the times I have lived my life As I wanted to, not heeding Your laws and direction. I make no excuses Such as, “I didn’t know what I was doing,” Or “I didn’t think anybody cared about me,” Or “What did it matter what I did? I didn’t…..
Lent is a time of reflection, and today’s poem tells us to approach God in humility, to come to Him as a child. Jesus used this image often to explain that our belief and faith does not need to be couched in religiosity, in theology, in philosophical interpretations. We need childlike faith, a simple trust that God is in charge, that we are not, because we are children, even as adults, aren’t we? We don’t have all the answers. We…..
As we “Celebrate ’21, Everyone! God’s Got This!” let us pray for wisdom so that our witness is strong for the Lord. This is Lenten Psalm #307, “Seeking Wisdom.”
Almighty God, Creator of the Universe, Abba, Father,
I pray today for wisdom, Your guidance, Your direction.
Around me I hear constant babble,
Competing voices,
Rabid arguments,
Statements of fools parading as truth.
I need only hear Your still, small voice
As I come to You…..
Christians are part of the Cloud of Witnesses who are the Covenant family of God. When a family member dies, he or she leaves a legacy behind and shows us the life path’s entry into God’s pledged reward, eternity with Jesus. We have all attended Memorial services; we mourn with celebration. We see that saint’s purpose, and know once again that we are God’s children, that He loves us, that we can celebrate each other’s lives well lived. I wrote…..
God says, “Remember the Sabbath, to keep it holy.” God knew from the beginning of creation that we needed Sabbath rest to renew our spirits and prepare for the next endeavors before us. Why should we ignore the commands of our Creator?
With rejoicing we come, Dear Lord,To Your Sabbath, a day set aside to worship
And to rest in Your Presence. For at Your creation of the world
You accomplished magnificence and order, And pronounced it good and rested…..
In these times of COVID, closed businesses, mourning, and Lent, “My Psalm #304 Depression.” May it bless your day to remember God loves you, and so do I:
Almighty God, Holder of my soul, Abba, Father, Sometimes I am weighed down with grief, sorrow, pain And cannot see clearly the blessings You’ve provided. Help my unbelief, be my vision, give me insight as well.
I am so encouraged by Your Word which shows me Heroes of…..