Sometimes it’s good to live life adventurously; sometimes we crave constancy. I’m traveling Europe vicariously from photos of three families touring all the sites of Paris, London, and Rome. While I’ve never visited these places in this life, I’ve dreamed of doing so. So, I’m reveling in pictures of the Louvre, the cathedrals, and the city streets I’ve longed to visit.
But, in contrast, Ev and I have discovered the old movies channel and have been watching movies made in…..
Rhetoric, the title of today’s “My Psalm 323” has to do with the art of writing or speaking–of choosing how to express a thought. The book of Proverbs has many statements such as: “The memory of the righteous is a blessing, but the name of the sinner will rot.” (See chapter 10) These are balanced statements. Here’s another:…..
As you know, I’m doing Nancy Guthrie’s study of Revelation. Three women’s groups in our church are doing this study, and we are amazed at her insight and perspective. I’ve studied this book previously, several times, with several interpretations of the symbolism and indeed the theories of whether the “saints” will be here or removed for,, from the tribulation. Her study does not deal…..
In Psalm 119:25, 49-50 we read these words. The Psalmist speaks to and for all of us who live this mortal life: “I lie in the dust, completely discouraged,; revive me by Your word. Remember Your promise to me, for it is my only hope. Your promise revives me; it comforts me in all my troubles.”
As you, my readers, know, I am studying…..
Sometimes it seems we are living in a world of chaos. The place it strikes me sometimes is in the “time out” on every cable station at the quarter hour when we are subjected to five ads in a row so that I feel like I’m on Sesame Street with an attention span planed for 13 seconds. How can my mind be convinced to buy five different things at once when I’m trying to remember the latest short piece of…..
We can be confident that God is eternal. We can be confident that he has made a covenant with the children who follow Him that he will erect tall hedges of protection around us, and that He will be the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and in all of eternity. We know Him as the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end…..
We buy insurance for cars, homes, and even our lives, right? It is to guard and protect us in the event of natural events or accidents. For the Christian, it’s a necessary expense, but we have the ASSURANCE of God’s love and protection, and the sure knowledge that he loves us, sustains us, and erects tall hedges of protection around our lives from conception to heaven. Psalm 103 tells us of God’s watch over us, like a father. For indeed,…..
Philippians 4:6 is key to peace in the Christian life. Daily, we are bombarded by ascending and descending events which project two possibilities: one–those things which stress us and cause us pain, and two–those things that promote calm and joy. Our mind attitude makes it possible to dwell on one or the other, either to our detriment or to our encouragement. How is your filter working?
We can, when put in stressful…..
Earlier this week, my husband and I were delighted to hear the Genevanss, a college choir from Geneva College in Pennsylvania. It reminded me of college tour times. They sang one of the anthems I remember singing. It is a song of intercession, of praying to God for something specific, but of a yearning for all Christians.
It was written during a night…..
As with yesterday’s post, I consulted my concordance on the topic of peace. The print in my concordance is too small for my damaged eyes to read, so I went to my standby, Google, ans asked: how many Bible references are there dealing with the world PEACE? It took me to this site, and I’m sure I will visit it again.
This site…..