My Bible concordance includes almost fifty references in the Bible regarding Promise, Promised, Promises, etc., so it must be important to God that we consider the concept in our Christian walk. We’re familiar with several of these. For instance, after Noah’s flood, God promised, with the rainbow, to never destroy the whole earth again by flood. In Peter’s Pentecost speech, he talks…..
My husband and I and a delighted audience were pleased to hear the Genevans, the college choir of students from Geneva College sing their concert. They are on choir tour, and their presentation brought back memories of my tours some sixty years ago with the Hope College Chapel Choir. Delightful.
One of the awesome anthems they sang was one dealing with the Palm Sunday story of Jesus entering Jerusalem. His group of followers, and we’re told that also children shouted:…..
I’ve noticed that St. Paul often opened and closed his epistles with the phrase “grace and peace.” He was writing to the early churches scattered outward from Rome to Asia Minor and knew they were facing persecution and other problems suffered by new Christians in an opposing society. His situation was similar to ours. A secular culture which denied the importance of mercy…..
In my recent study of Revelation 2, where John hears from God that He has messages for seven churches, we see that restoration is the overriding message. When I named my Lenten book, “Restore My Soul Psalms” it was an attempt for readers to examine their lives and their walk with God as the forty days of Lent prescribes. The church at Ephesus hears its indictment: “You have lost your first love,” meaning, you’ve lost your passion and love for…..
One of the great teachings of Christianity is that we can rest in God. So many verses in the Bible give this assurance, and for us in this troubled, sin-filled world…some would even call it chaotic…this assurance is a blessing.
The familiar Psalm 23 says “He leads me beside the still waters. He refreshes my soul.” What a blessing that is when we face financial, physical, psychological, or spiritual challenges. In Matthew 29:6 we read: “Take my yoke upon you,…..
Two of the Bible studies I am doing this year converge on the topic of repentance. Exodus reminds me in chapter 20 and other places that God is sovereign and will have no other gods before Him. Nothing is to be more important in our lives than serving Him, and anything that gets in the way causes scripture to say: “I the Lord your…..
Birthdays are times of reflection, aren’t they? Times to review good stories, times to think about heritage, times to long for the “good old days” that weren’t any better than our todays, just different. Today is my sister’s birthday. We are just under two years apart, soon to be followed by another sister and brother. Ours was a busy household with parents who did their best to guide us and teach us and to bring us to Christ. I am…..
Proverbs 3:5 says: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.” We can count on this piece of wisdom because God said it, and if He says it, it is always truth. Its corollary, in Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray…..
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Yes, death is part of life. Since creation’s fall, the verdict is: guilty. Now you will face death. It is punishment for original sin. Everything that has life faces its end. Except for God. God is infinite, omnipresent, omniscient, and, according to Psalm 139, knows us even before conception, and chooses, from…..
Today is a special day for us. Our son, Paul, was born forty-three years ago this morning. It can be counted as one of the richest memories of my life. He has blessed me in so many ways, and unlike many of my friends, I have retired close to both our son, and now his lovely family, and our daughter. We attend their events, celebrate holidays, and watch with joy the growth of our two granddaughters.
Likewise, yesterday was an…..