I remember, as a child, when I said or did something foolish, my dad reproved me with this statement: “There’s a schoolhouse on every corner. How did you miss them all?” Now that I think about it as an octogenarian I know he was spurring me on the learn all I could, to make common sense but correct decisions, and to learn something new every day. He was training me in discernment, in making sure my facts were right, and,…..
This is my post from yesterday. I didn’t get to post it on time, but it relates to the message just posted for today. My Psalm 238: (first published in my book: “Life-Changing Water: Chaos to Glory: A Metaphor Study”
My Psalm 238
Dear Heavenly Father, Abba, Father
This day I rejoice that in all the clamor of life,
In all…..
Whether the annoyances are minor (like embedded glitter from Christmas, or lost car keys, or a nasty, drippy cold) or major (a difficult diagnosis, identity theft, financial difficulties), it’s all the same to God. If the creator of the universe who oversees probably billions of birds like the robin invasion in our yard yesterday and says in scripture that he notices even one bird’s fall, He can help us deal with whatever we’re facing today. “It’s all the same to…..
Today we honor Martin Luther King whose influence for right and justice changed our world for the better. This is a quote : “I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.” The hymnwriter Maltbie Babcock put it this way: “Oh let me ne’er forget./That though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet/ The battle is not done, Jesus,…..
As you know, part of seeing God’s grace through the year 2023 is the my intense purpose of reading the Bible from beginning to end once again. This is not a chronological study, as I did several years ago. It’s very enlightening and I highly recommend it. This month I’ve been reading Genesis, Matthew, Proverbs, and Psalms each day, and in another…..
Have you noticed that sometimes people are grumpy, short-tempered, wearing a deadpan or even sour expression on their faces so that they self-isolate? No one really wants to interact with such people. Others, whether they really feel well or not, whether they’re facing difficulties or pain in their lives, or living in the same circumstances as the dour one I just described, care more about the other person they’re…..
In our former life, Ev sang solos and I accompanied him on the piano. One of our favorites was “The Lord Is My Light” based on Psalm 27:1. Whenever I face difficulties, I think of this soaring piece of music. I long ago gave away the music, but in my mind’s ear, I sing it…..
When we begin our day with praise and thanksgiving, the day just gets better and better. That’s my experience. Yesterday I met with two groups of precious ladies who prayed together, shared their testimonies to God’s provision, and encouraged us as we walk this life’s journey. It was a great experience for me, and now I share it with you. Psalm 118:28 is a good place to begin. It says, in the NIV: “You are my God, and I will…..
The Bible has a lot to say about water. I actually wrote a whole devotional guide called “Life-Changing Water: Chaos to Glory: A Metaphor Study.” The Bible has 742 references to water in it, from snow to floods to springs, to cisterns, to floods and droughts. In the Christian life there can be times of chaos when everything is off balance, to times of abundance and freshness when the living water is very present, to times of desert and deprivation…..
The Bible doesn’t say much about Jabez, one of the descendants of Judah, but his prayer in Chronicles chapter 10 would be a good one for us, and that’s perhaps why Susie Larson included this verse in her “Blessings for Every Day” choices. There is a prayer included in the genealogy chapter 4. Most of the others are merely…..