I guess it’s inevitable, since every year in January the ads on TV (now that the enrollment period for health plans has passed) turn to dieting. All of a sudden, manufacturers and make-you-feel-guilty-so-we-can-get money-from-you groups tell us we gained too much weight over the holidays, or we need to supplement our nourishment with vitamins or ground-up vegetables and fruits, or we need to sign up for gym memberships. Yes, it’s inevitable.
I for one am not buying…..
According to www.whychristmas.com and other sites, January 6 is called Epiphany. This is their historical reason:
“Epiphany is celebrated 12 days after Christmas on 6th January (or January 19th for some Orthodox Church who have Christmas on 7th January) and is the time when Christians remember the Wise Men (also sometimes called the Three Kings) who visited Jesus.
Epiphany is also when some Churches remember when Jesus was…..
I’m read in Matthew 5 today that following God’s laws is beneficial. It was true in Exodus 15 as well. Here’s what it says: “If you will listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His sight, obeying His commands and laws, then I will not make you suffer the diseases I sent on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord who heals you.”
I am not a fan of preaching…..
In my seeking and seeing God’s grace in ’23, I’ve been thinking about the times God gives me confidence when I trust in Him. I sometimes fall into the relentless “worry-wart mode” when I think about how I’m to accomplish my goals as my eighty-two and a half body complains. Tasks that used to be routine now take planning, a long time to execute, and result in pain or exhaustion afterwards. But God says, we can be confident that…..
In my continuing promise to look expectantly for Godincidences in 2023, I can think of nothing more encouraging than the assurance that once we commit to Jesus as our savior and endeavor to follow Him with every ounce of energy of soul, strength, and mind, we have confidence that He will never leave or forsake us. It’s a covenant.
Romans 8:38-39 says: “I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life,…..
I’ve long been fascinated by words. From the time I was three, already reading, I’ve been curious about words, and because I could already read, my first schooling was to be put into first grade, skipping kindergarten. That apparently did last long as placement. The teacher said I talked too much. That led to my mother’s attempts to change my behavior by bribing me with the purchase of a ceramic doll I’d admired in a local shop window. It…..
We have no idea what the new year will bring, but I know, with utter confidence, that I know God and He holds my hand as I enter 2023. I will endeavor to look for His Godincidences, places where he shows grace and mercy to those who believe He is the sovereign ruler of…..
We end the year 2022. Dating, of course, is a man-thing (no, I’m not using a WOKE term).. God merely said he would establish night and day with the creation of the sun to rule by day, and the moon to rule by night. He does reference the ages in His word, the Bible, but he does not date things. And…..
Here it is! The countdown is over. The anticipation, the hard work of shopping, planning, wrapping, fixing a feast, concerts one after another, baking, putting up decorations (including over a hundred nativity sets), setting the holiday table for family dinner–it’s all culminated in today.
For me, while I enjoy all the activity, it is stressful. This year, I realized last night, I have been “pushed, shoved, replaced, put into…..
We remember the history of December 7th. D Day, and thank those who served, prayed, waited at home, and suffered loss that day. We know Eisenhower had prepared his resignation letter before beginning this controversial move which saved the world for freedom. We are a thankful people.
Now to the Hallelujahs!