There is nothing quite like a crowd in a full=-to-capacity church singing the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah, sung with members of the Space Coast Symphony! Equally wonderful was the Brevard Chorale’s presentation of Benjamin Britten’s Ceremony of Carols. We are blessed to have such great musical programs here in Brevard. Ev and I will attend three more concerts this week : Central Middle…..
The Christian faith is not a religion but a relationship. Jesus came at Christmastime to come into our lives when the Holy Spirit prompts us to listen to His words and accept that He is the Redeemer of our souls, the Savior of the world, and the one prophesied about in the Old Testament. One key verse in John’s gospel is:…..
In everything you do,
stay away from complaining and arguing,
so that no one can speak a word of blame against you.
You are to live clean, innocent lives as children of God
In a dark world full of crooked and perverse people.
Let your lives shine brightly before them.
The season of Advent officially began last Sunday, November 27 and ends, officially, on Christmas Eve when the birth of Christ is celebrated.
I wrote a book called “Advent Adventure: A Devotional Guide.” In it are patterns for Old Testament ornaments for use on a Jess Tree. the Bible says Jesus came from “the root of Jesse” so that’s where the term comes from. These ornaments include such Old Testament Biblical stories as Noah’s Ark, Jacob’s ladder, the Jewish star,…..
On this Sabbath, the Lord’s Day, continue to give thanks to the Lord for His blessings. As we begin the Advent season, welcome the Lord to your home, not just the tinsel and tons of glitter. This is about the Old Testament prophecies that told of Jesus’ birth fourteen generations before that special night. It may or may not have been December 25th. Tradition chose that date. But the fact remains, that Jesus is the reason for the season, and…..
Day 22
Much prayer has filled our home; we have faithfully followed Deuteronomy 6: 6-9 where it says: “These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”
Does it get easier as the kids get older? Heavens no! I know now, in retrospect, that His hand was…..
Day 21
Personally, I think moms invented the term multi-tasking. It is indeed possible to stir batter, hip-balance a cranky baby, talk on the phone, let the dog out, and carry on a perfectly logical, even engaging, conversation at the same time.
And hopefully, whether Thanksgiving dinner, that test of culinary prowess, or any meal, or major family gathering, those pesky moments of panic will be less a test of patience than we anticipate. We’ve got this!
We’re wired to…..
Day 20
And with an attitude of gratitude, God guided me through dating and courtship, helping me develop the character list my future spouse must possess, and then sending me the perfect person to complete me. He is a godly man, and Christ has been the center focus of our relationship from day one. We met in church. We developed our relationship as church ministry opportunities opened for us. He is logical-mathematical, I am verbal-artistic-creative. We love classical music, and…..
Day 17
I have an attitude of gratitude that several teachers and others encouraged me to write. My school years were filled with opportunities for which I am thankful, and teachers who saw promise and shaped my voice. I fell in love with words in Mrs. Meyer’s class. I loved debate when Miss Gorman and Mr. Sullivan helped me manipulate arguments, write rebuttals, and see the essence of a…..
Day 16
Now, upon reflection, I realize with my attitude of gratitude, that childhood experiences serve a greater purpose. I have empathy for and special recognition and love for those who may be physically or mentally challenged in some way. I’ve always given them an extra measure of encouragement—those things I felt lacking when I so wanted to know I could achieve in spite of difficulties.
God just filled me with things other than physical or athletic beauty and prowess. …..