Yes, the pictures of Hurricane Ian’s wake are horrific. The losses of property and life cause us dismay and sadness. For pictures, go to Washington Post website.
We are a materialistic society. We amass stuff, much of which we thought would bring us happiness and fulfillment. This week many lost “stuff.” Boats piled up, piles of unusable furniture, debris from expensive landscaping, cars no longer able to serve their masters, and homes destroyed–all reminders of things many in the world…..
Now that my surgery, rehab, Covid, and hurricane Ian are over and passed, and the summer is gone, it’s time to concentrate on what is really important and get on with living. At least, it seems that the exigencies of life will once more allow me to live.
Ephesians 3:17 is today’s verse. Even while I have storm shutters to remove today, floors to wash, hurricane readiness kit contents to…..
Although we’re hearing the dangers of sharing our information on various sites like Facebook, etc., I contend that there is also great benefit to be had from doing so, and I contend that research on the internet has many benefits.
Our small group at Covenant is studying the book of Hosea. In our first chapter time last Wednesday, we had many questions. I decided to do some “deep diving” to see what I could learn. It has been an interesting…..
Sometimes it takes a new perspective to help us see clearly. I read a page in the April/May 2022 issue of Guidepost this morning. (That’s how far behind I am in what I consider to be “casual” reading…you know, the stuff that piles up while I’m doing the important reading for researching books, or doing…..
We’ve had a weekend of looking backward at notable events: 9/11 and the reign of Elizabeth II. Both are engrained in our minds for their import, and both mark days we will long remember because of the audacity of those who wish us harm, and our surprise by it and changes made to our way of life because of it,…..
We were stunned into silence as Space Coast Symphony Orchestra performed Kenneth Fuch’s “Falling Man” in last night’s concert. Today it will be performed again. I urge you to attend this afternoon’s concert in Vero Beach. It will be an experience you’ll never forget.
The written narrative by Don Delillo was sung to Fuch’s amazing Grammy Award winning music by Baritone Thomas Potter, Director of UCF Opera. These lines spoke to me as I watched the videotapes from the actual…..
Be strong and courageous!
Do not be afraid and do not panic before them.
For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you.
He will neither fail you nor abandon you.
Deuteronomy 31:6 NLT
No doubt about it. Perilous times seem always just around the corner if we are those who read signs, ponder statements, look at the stock market, listen to news commentators, or imagine the horrid things that can befall those close to us. Some…..
Yesterday, Ev and I watched a Hallmark movie set in the magnificent Yosemite Park. We saw the huge mountain settings, tall waterfalls, and were in awe of the massive rock sculptures and the comparative small people who tried to climb the rock formations.
Yesterday was also the anniversary of my mother’s death twenty-five years ago. I remember being overwhelmed by that fact, and that the world grieved that week for Mother Teresa and Princess Diana. Grief leaves a feeling of…..