I love references in the Bible to Angel Armies and the contemporary song’s chorus that says “I know who goes before me; I know who stands behind; The God of angel armies, is always by my side.” (Christ Tomlin). I was just reading Psalm 78, you know the one which recounts all the times when God has won the wars even though man keeps defying His commands. It talks about manna being the food of the angels.
I have several…..
We spend a lot of time educating ourselves, don’t we? It starts when parents rush their children into learning colors, the alphabet, shapes, and phonics, well before the years of schooling designed to teach those things. Repetition becomes boring to those who’ve already mastered those basics. Teachers struggle to get everyone “one the same page,” preparing their young charges for standardized tests that prove little except what a child can do in that forty minutes on that particular day. Allergy…..
When we think of our lives, day by day, and we know Almighty God’s holiness, we are called to ask Him for mercy. The Bible is very clear that the atonement of Jesus providea a path to forgiveness and God’s saving mercy for us. What a marvelous thought. This weekend, as you ponder this thought, find a Bible-preaching church which honors our sovereign Lord and worships the Savior and honors the Holy Spirit, and embrace the blessing of mercy.
One of the greatest things I understand about God is that He always was, Alpha, and always will be, Omega. He, and He alone, created order out of chaos. Today, I share an original Psalm called Order. May it bless your day and our lives as we journey through a world that seems so chaotic: COVID, inflation, food shortages (especially baby food), war and threats of war, and crime in our streets. These are not of God, but of man’s…..
Listen to the news today. Confusion. Blame. Misinformation. Innuendo.
None of this is new. Since the Garden fo Eden first sin, Eve blamed the serpent; Adam blamed the woman.
Israel talked about a time like ours. Read Micah 7:1-7.
This is “My Psalm 214: “Confusion,” first published in my book Life-Changing Water: Chaos to Glory: A Metaphor Study.
My Psalm 214
Almighty God, Creator of the universe and my soul,
I come to You like a meandering stream
Trying to…..
In olden days, the living room was called the drawing room because it was where friends gathered. There’s a Bible verse in James 4:8 that reads, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” This is printed on a coloring card I bought from Christianbook.com. I give these out as bookmarks in my books. Anyway, I like the concept, and like the idea of getting closer to God, especially in times of stress and disagreements and arguments…..
Mother’s Day and Sunday of the Shepherd in the liturgical calendar coincided yesterday. Our church service begin with a video tribute to moms, as teachers, counselors, psychiatrists, cooks, cleaners, taxi drivers, etc. and then we learned that the 4th Sunday of Easter is Shepherd Sunday. How wonderful they mesh like that.
Jesus, the good shepherd can be trusted with our…..
As a writer, I savor ideas and creativity. Whether meeting with old and dear friends, or making new ones, as occurred last evening at the Space Coast Symphony Orchestra’s 14th Season reveal party last night, my antenna is always seeking things to ponder and write about. (Yes, I ended a sentence with a preposition.)
My writing focus, a quote from Flannery O’Connor: “I write to discover what I know,” pretty much summarizes my approach to idea discovery. I’m currently writing…..
At a time when many things seem negative in our society, I have been encouraged at this time of graduation-commencement. Last night we attended a musical event at Melbourne High School where they honored the 26, I believe, seniors who were going on with their lives. They were playing their last concert together.
Anyone who knows about the bond that exists in team sports or in a musical organization where teamwork is emphasized, this is a significant event. Everyone must…..
One of the best privileges of Christianity is that we show compassion and love for one another by praying for those who have needs, for the church which is Christ’s body and the implementer of His teachings, and for God’s will to be done on earth.
There is no shortage of prayer needs right now. It seems there is…..