This is the next Lenten Psalm from my book: “Restore My Soul: A Lenten Journal”:
Almighty Father, You who created me, You know me all too well. When I am discouraged, Bound by emotions which drain my energy And sap my strength, I pray deliverance.
When life’s struggles become burdensome, When I see the dark skies and feel overwhelmed, When death and disasters are clouds on my mind And the pain of sin overtakes my…..
When I was writing this book, the Parkland School shooting had just occurred. This is My Psalm 301:
Note: The tragic Parkland, FL school shooting, claiming seventeen lives, occurred the first day of Lent, 2018.
Heavenly Father, Creator of all things,
Abba, Father,
Praised be Your Name in the heavens and on earth,
For You have heard my cry; I can feel Your Presence Because Jesus brings me to Your loving arms When I cry…..
Lent has traditionally been a time of reflection, a time leading up to Easter when we celebrate Jesus’ conquering of death and salvation from our sins if we repent of them and follow His teachings. I will take the reader through my book of restoration psalms to remind us of our daily walk to victory. My Psalm 300 is named: “Keep Me Close.” May it bless your day.
Dear Heavenly Father, I come into…..
Today we watch yet another war in our livingrooms…not on the history channel with graining black and white film, but in reality–living color. Read this article, yes, it will make you cry. Then think about the raviging of this site yesterday by the Russian army. What story are we sending to those who refuse to remember history?
Here I present the story of Babi Yar, the poet who first told me the story. Today, as Kiev stands at the epicenter…..
As war rages in Ukraine, and our brothers and sisters resist the attacks, and as political attacks, concerns, financial predictions, and inflation attack our minds and souls, we need a good dose of peace from our creator who tells us to focus, not on this world, but on His eternal principles and promises.
Philippians 4:6-7 needs proclamation: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about eerything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you…..
After a week of suffering with a cold (or flu, or possibly COVID), I’m beginning to hold my head a little higher. Add to that obligations for family, music activities, etc., and watching too much “war” in Ukraine and man’s stupidity, attending church livestream, trying to celebrate my son’s forty-second birthday through tissue encounters, today I’m looking forward to my sister’s extended visit and her birthday on Wednesday.
In need of peace and grace, I looked at my “Blessings for…..
There is no more comforting place in scripture than the Shepherd’s Psalm 23. May it bless your day today, whatever you’re facing, whether sickness, depression, anxiety, loneliness, or every possible need in your life, because it speaks to God’s sovereignty and His constant care.
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside quiet waters.
He restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness…..
Have you noticed that “Have a Great Day!” is casually thrown out to us as we check out from the grocery store, or finish any kind of interaction at a drive-thru, and often is followed by “Be Safe?”
These are strange times we’re living in. One person’s “great day” these days may just be staying free from contagion or criminal mischief, certainly for our police officers. The “be safe” comment covers all things, but usually means, stay away from people…..
When in the Ten Commandments God directed us to do all our work in the six days of the week and to rest on the seventh day, some may say, like the sign in my laundry room: “A Woman’s Work is Never Done!” However, there is grace when we meet goals and can finally put projects to the completed place and move on to others. Today was such a day.
A week ago I was reeling under reports that my…..
Mornings are good times to reevaluate our lives, to take stock of where we are physically and spiritually. John Kebble wrote this hymn in 1822. It is one of my favorites. Although the language is a bit “old fashioned,” its message suits me this morning. When I was at Hope College, I often had the task of conducting the Chapel Choir members who showed up each morning for chapel. This, the first and last stanzas linger in my memory.……