Spurred on by Pastor Klemm’s sermon on Sunday, the story of Saul’s conversion in Act, and the concept that many sow seeds in our lives preparing us for our own conversion experiences, I’ve been thinking the last few hours about how many people influenced the growth of my faith. God put these people in my life at just the right time, for His purposes. And I, hopefully continue to pass on that tradition to others through my prayer, actions, writing,…..
Have you though of yourself as an exquisite fragrance? While I enjoy fragrances, especially sigature ones of people I know and can appreciate as they walk by, my husband does not appreciate perfumes or scented candles, or anything of the sort. So, I pretty much abstain. But, the Bible uses the idea of exquisite fragrance in the contest of the peace and grace I’m concentrating on in 2022. Here’s what 2 Corinthians 2:14 says, first from the NIV and then…..
Without question, when we’re strong, we feel the grace of God and inner peace. When we’re struggling, whether physically, emotionally, financially, or especially spiritually, we tend to withdraw, to cower, to worry, to seek relief, and to utter the word, “Why?”
The Bible is full of stories, examples, verses, and advice as to what to do about this common malady of the human condition. Where do the heroes of the Bible turn in times of difficulty? In every case, especially…..
Some of you may remember the 1965 song, “What the World Needs Now Is Love.” Lyrics were by Hal David and music was composed by Burt Bacharach. I content that that’s the world has always needed, and, from my perspective as a Christian, what God has always given the world. You, of course have heard of John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall have everlasting life.”…..
If you’ve had a week like I have, you’re looking for peace and grace today. I know where you can find it!
Walk into any church (I hope you choose ours if you’re in Florida: www.covenantpalmbay.org) and you will find a welcome, a warm greeting, and most of all, the intentional “stop action” on everything outside, and worship the God Almighty who is not only capable of providing peace and grace, but Who bids you come into His presence. In…..
It’s time to deal with times when peace and grace are the most difficult in our lives. I’ve just received word that my number two sister is in the hospital yet again. This one is life threatening. She is 1800 miles away. And, last evening, we received word that one of our Covenant Group members died yesterday of renal failure and COVID which he contracted while in the hospital.
It’s a shock to the system, even for believers, where difficulties…..
At our small Covenant group on Wednesday, we read several verses from Scripture that talk about hair. Actually, they’re all related. They show God’s providence through long lives when we trust in Him. The Bible says that he notes every sparrow’s fall and numbers the hairs on our heads. That means God has a conscious effort to care for and about us. what a comforting thing as we watch threatening news about rumors of war, man’s inhumanity to man, a…..
I have written almost a hundred, (perhaps more, lost count) poems I call “My Psalms” after the pattern of Scripture. No, mine are not scripture, but through them I express my heartfelt prayers and hope they bless others’ lives as they read my books and blogs at www.bettyjackson.net. This one is called “Come.” It is “My Psalm 157
Psalm 65 says:
“O You who hear prayer, To You all men come.”
So, therefore, I come to You this day
Most days I begin my day with writing of some sort, either by posting my blog and Facebook entries, or working on my latest book or other project. Today was no exception. I have a monthly date with my author critique group where we each present pieces for editing. It’s scary, I suppose, since we are ruthless about commas and conventions, but we have become a close group as friends, as well.
We are a diverse bunch. Our life experiences…..
Guess I’m having one of those days that attempts to steal my peace and grace. First, working on a contest entry piece at 5:00 a.m. . Wrote a piece I really liked, about 3500 words. Then I looked at the requirements (yes, should have done that first). Word limit 2500 words. UGH. Have no time today to start chopping the carefully chosen words…like ripping out the soul of the piece.
Then, instead of having a quick breakfast and getting to…..