Today we celebrate the Fourth of July, America’s birthday, Independence Day.
While reports of our freedoms’ challenges seem to be under attack at every news cycle alert, let us remind ourselves that freedom is not a guarantee, a right, or a privilege, but is the natural desire of every human being whose self-determination is inborn.
Even a two year old says, “No! I want to do it my way!”
While certain of our rights are guaranteed, at least for the moment…..
Although tax day is dismal for some, just remember the blessings still afforded to Americans, where we can accomplish much by pooling resources and working together to make this a better world until the Lord comes to perfect His. With me, pray that those in Washington use clear thinking to spend the resources coming from American people, that prudence, understanding, compassion, and wisdom prevail.
Is there anywhere else on earth you’d rather live this day? Because we pay taxes, we…..