For those of us who are conflicted and disgusted with the political campaign, I offer this, “My Psalm” number 180:
Heavenly Father, Who has forgiven our sins
And iniquities, and taken us again and again
Into Your loving arms as prodigals,
We thank you and praise Your Holy Name.
For You have forgiven us seventy times seventy
And seek to bring us to Yourself again and again.
For we, like those before us who sinned against…..
Perhaps my garden image helps with this topic. In my new book, Bless You Bouquets, I’m using the life cycle image, so it’s been on my mind. This past weekend I’ve answered a baby shower announcement (new life), seen pictures from Cedar Rapids of a wedding of a youngster we watched grow up and is now a beautiful bride), studied in a class for church leaders about mentoring and leadership, attended and served a luncheon at the funeral service of a dear…..