Pivotal events in our lives demand total recall–where we were, what we saw, who was with us, how our hearts jumped to our throats so we could hardly speak, how our brains interpreted the events, and how we reacted to them. November 22, 1963, the Challenger disaster, 9/11. They so engrain themselves into our personal psyches that they need no anniversarial reminders. They’re just part of us.
I was not particularly impressed with JFK’s presidency; all show and little substance,…..
I’m busy writing my third book, a friendship garden memoir. It’s an idea I’ve had bubbling in my head for some time, and the time is right to write it. You all know I love my garden, mostly because I can share my flowers with others and provide for the critters that often visit our yard.
Because we’ve moved eight times, I cherish memories of the trees, flowers, landscapes and water features I’ve nurtured through the years. Likewise, my family…..