The Christian observance of Lent begins March 5 and extends to April 14, Ash Wednesday to Maundy Thursday, in preparation for Easter on April 17. As you know, Easter is a movable date based on ancient tradition.
Typically, Lent, for many, is a time of reflection, a time to renew our faith walk with forty days of reflection, self-examination, and a time to restore our faith walk. Some, during this time “give up” things as a discipline. Many do not, but do place special emphasis on things of the spirit, like reading a book about Jesus, reading through the Gospel accounts, being more faithful in deeds of servicer to others, or contemplating the depth of our worship to the only true God who sacrificed His Son, Jesus, to atone for our sinful nature and have the privilege of inheritance as members of His children.
While my church tradition does not insist that we artificially “give up” eating meat or sweets or some other outward sign of earning spirituality by these outward signs of contrition, we do use books or resources to guide our forty-day pilgrimage to the Cross. I have written a book called “Restore My Soul Psalms: A Lenten Journey” which I will share with you on my future posts during Lent. Or, if you would like a copy of it, please go to or on under Betty Whitaker Jackson. I think you will walk a little stronger in your faith by using it.
Little known fact…I did not write my thirty-five books to make money. Selling a book on Amazon nets me an average of $.39. That’s thirty-nine cents! But, the wisdom and benefits may be life-changing.
A career teacher, with forty years of teaching language arts/English, Betty Jackson enjoys wordsmithing, writing, and reading as a vocation and avocation.Retirement is her "age of frosting," a chance to pursue postponed hobbies with gusto. She especially sends kudos to the Space Coast Writers Guild members for their encouragement and advice. Her five books, It's a God Thing!, Job Loss: What's Next? A Step by Step Action Plan, and Bless You Bouquets: A Memoir, And God Chose Joseph: A Christmas Story, and Rocking Chair Porch: Summers at Grandma's are available at Ms. Jackson is available to speak to local groups and to offer her books at discount for fundraising purposes at her discretion. She and her husband soon celebrate their 47th anniversary, and have lived in New York, New Jersey, Iowa, and now the paradise of Palm Bay, Florida. Their two grown children and daughter-in-love, all orchestra musicians, and our beautiful granddaughters Kaley and Emily live nearby. Hobbies, and probably future topics on her blog: gardening, symphonic music (especially supporting the Space Coast Symphony Orchestra as a volunteer and proud parent of a violinist, a cellist, and an oboist), singing, book clubs, and co-teaching a weekly small-group Bible study for seniors. She volunteers and substitute teaches at Covenant Christian School, and serves as a board member of the Best Yet Set senior group at church. Foundationally, she daily enjoys God's divine appointments called Godincidences, which show God's providence and loving kindness.