I remember my dad singing this song with the Hendrick Hudson Male Chorus in Hudson, New York every spring in concert. The group of about fifty men gave concerts twice a year under the direction of R. Steele Phillips, my favorite music teacher ever. He taught me to sing, to play trumpet and baritone horn, and taught me a regents level course in music theory when I was in high school.
According to the Library of Congress, in 1884, Michael Watson adapted “Welcome Sweet Springtime,” also known as “Voices of the Woods,” to “Melody in F” by Anton Rubinstein. The lyrics to the songs are as follows.
Anyway, let’s celebrate the first day of spring, shall we?
Welcome Sweet Springtime, We greet thee in song.
Murmers of gladness Fall on the ear.
Voices long hushed, Now their full notes prolong.
Echoing far and near.
Balmy and life breathing breezes are blowing.
Swiftly to nature new vigor bestowing.
Ah! how my heart beats with rapture anew.
Earth’s fairest beauties again meet my view.
Sing then, ye birds, raise your voices on high.
Flow’rets awake ye. Burst into bloom!
Springtime is come, and sweet Summer is nigh.
Sing then, ye birds, O sing.
Welcome, sweet springtime!
Almighty God, Creator of the Universe,
Yet My Heavenly Father,
I praise Your Holy and Mighty Name
In thanksgiving for Your promises.
I thank You that You covenanted to be my God
And to provide for my salvation in Your Son, Jesus.
I thank You that You desire a relationship with me,
Even this sinful child
And that You promise to be My Heavenly Father
Both here and in eternity.
I praise You, Lord.
I thank You for providing seedtime and harvest,
Day and night, seasons and cycles of Your Providence.
I thank You for providing sunshine and rain,
And guidance about how to live my life to Your honor.
I thank You for loving relationships,
For knowing good and bad. and having free will to choose.
I thank You for the beauty of Your creation,
For sparkling water and tall mountains,
For trees and flowers in colors of beauty,
For animals and fish and birds of the air,
And all things that remind us of Your Power and creativity.
I thank You for hope, that You promise us all good things.
I thank You for Your grace and mercy. Amen.
A career teacher, with forty years of teaching language arts/English, Betty Jackson enjoys wordsmithing, writing, and reading as a vocation and avocation.Retirement is her "age of frosting," a chance to pursue postponed hobbies with gusto. She especially sends kudos to the Space Coast Writers Guild members for their encouragement and advice. Her five books, It's a God Thing!, Job Loss: What's Next? A Step by Step Action Plan, and Bless You Bouquets: A Memoir, And God Chose Joseph: A Christmas Story, and Rocking Chair Porch: Summers at Grandma's are available at Amazon.com. Ms. Jackson is available to speak to local groups and to offer her books at discount for fundraising purposes at her discretion. She and her husband soon celebrate their 47th anniversary, and have lived in New York, New Jersey, Iowa, and now the paradise of Palm Bay, Florida. Their two grown children and daughter-in-love, all orchestra musicians, and our beautiful granddaughters Kaley and Emily live nearby. Hobbies, and probably future topics on her blog: gardening, symphonic music (especially supporting the Space Coast Symphony Orchestra as a volunteer and proud parent of a violinist, a cellist, and an oboist), singing, book clubs, and co-teaching a weekly small-group Bible study for seniors. She volunteers and substitute teaches at Covenant Christian School, and serves as a board member of the Best Yet Set senior group at church. Foundationally, she daily enjoys God's divine appointments called Godincidences, which show God's providence and loving kindness.